
Devam Ediyor

Öne Çıkan Oyuncular

Genel Bakış

Greenleaf ailesi Memphis'te çok kalabalık cemaatli bir kiliseyi yönetmektedir. Ancak açgözlülük, zina ve başka günahlar; iş ve kişisel yaşamlarına gölge düşürür.


The unscrupulous world of the Greenleaf family and their sprawling Memphis megachurch, where scandalous secrets and lies are as numerous as the faithful. Born of the church, the Greenleaf family love and care for each other, but beneath the surface lies a den of iniquity—greed, adultery, sibling rivalry and conflicting values—that threatens to tear apart the very core of their faith that holds them together.

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  1. Dram